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China Everbright Water names board chair
Luan Zusheng currently CEO of company’s indirect controlling shareholder
The Asset   27 Feb 2024

Environmental protection company China Everbright Water has appointed Luan Zusheng as the chairman of its board of directors, replacing Hu Yanguo, as well as naming Ng Joo Hee Peter and Soh Kok Leong as independent non-executive directors, effective March 18.

Luan Zusheng is currently the executive director and the chief executive officer of China Everbright Environment Group, the indirect controlling shareholder of the company, and a director of Sun Life Everbright Life Insurance. He was a director of Everbright Financial Holding Asset Management.

Ng Joo Hee Peter is currently the non-executive chairman of Willowmore, a start-up technology company. He was the chief executive of Singapore’s National Water Agency, Public Utilities Board. Prior to leading the Public Utilities Board, Ng had served, variously, as the commissioner of police and that of prisons in Singapore.

Soh Kok Leong has extensive experience in accounting, auditing and capital markets. He was with PricewaterhouseCoopers ( PwC ) for over 35 years, with more than 23 years of experience as an assurance partner. He retired from PwC in June 2023. During his tenure with PwC, he led the audits of various large Singapore Exchange-listed companies, Chinese state-owned enterprises and multinational companies. 

Luan says: “By combining wisdom and strength, with dedication to water-related business areas, Everbright Water will strive to build a new development paradigm and generate sustainable value and return to its shareholders and other stakeholders.”